A team of experts coordinated with your needs
Modern Efficient Flexible
With over 30 years in the industry, LTR Global is one of the best options for any company that needs modern, efficient, and flexible credit insurance coverage.
Alberto Ossa J.
In addition to his vast experience in credit insurance and sureties, Mr. Ossa has extensive know-how in foreign trade, credit risks and international financing.
He is undoubtedly one of the leading experts in credit insurance in Latin America. In addition to his relationship with Continental, he has extensive knowledge of international credit insurance and specifically in Europe, establishing excellent contacts with the main European companies, highlighting Atradius, Allianz Trade, Coface, among others.
He is currently President of Latin Trade Risk, the leading company specialized in credit risks both in Chile and in the rest of the Latin American countries.

Francisco Ossa J.
Partner / Vice President
A UC lawyer and LLM Boston University graduate, with more than 35 years of experience in commercial matters, general insurance and engineering projects, he is an expert in credit insurance in Chile, former manager of Continental (ATRADIUS) since its founding in 1990 until 1995. Continental was the first credit insurance company established in Chile.
Mr. Ossa has specialized in insurance and especially in credit insurance. For more than 30 years he has provided services to the most important banks and credit insurance companies in Chile and abroad. He is currently an advisor on matters related to credit risks for different local and foreign companies.
He has provided legal advice on debt collection matters for international credit insurers, also developing debt collection and operational risk procedures for prominent companies in the local and international market.
He currently combines private legal practice in matters of infrastructure projects, engineering, and construction with matters of credit insurance and political investment risks.

Advisory Committee
At LTR Global we have an Advisory Committee responsible for advising executives and directors in areas related to their work.
Committee members are recognized as leading industry leaders internationally. Their experience and specialized skills help leaders overcome challenges, design effective strategies, and explore new opportunities.

Martín Ossa O.
Industrial Civil Engineer with a major in Transportation from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, where he also obtained a diploma in Financial Analysis.
Currently, he works as Key Account Manager at Arauco, participating in the creation and implementation of shipping plans for cellulose and wood, in addition to maintaining direct contact with the main shipping companies worldwide.
Previously, he worked at LATAM Airlines as a commercial strategy analyst, being part of the team that implemented and started the Joint Venture with Delta Airlines.
He also has one year of experience working with LTR Global.

Alberto Ossa O.
Alberto is an Industrial Civil Engineer with a Major in Financial Engineering from the Universidad de los Andes.
He currently has experience as a Senior Consultant at EY, where he was involved in strategic and financial consulting projects between June 2021 and July 2023.
Previously, he worked as a Business Intelligence Analyst at Embotelladora Andina (Coca-Cola Andina) from November 2020 to May 2021, participating in market analysis and development of business strategies.
In addition, he served as a Credit Insurance and Political Risk Broker for Investments at LTR Global between November 2018 and September 2020, managing financial risks for various companies and institutions.

Miguel Ángel Burelo
Miguel Angel Burelo is a senior banker with over 25 years of experience in corporate banking, credit underwriting, trade finance, asset management, asset sales, structured trading and treasury management.
Miguel Angel leads Stone X, Brickell Bank and Banesco’s international business.
Mr. Burelo developed Banco Espírito Santo’s business to be among the top users of Ex-Im Bank programs for 7 consecutive years.
At The Toronto-Dominion Bank, Mr. Burelo originated over $450 million and grew the bank to be the largest user of Ex-Im Bank programs during 2003 and from 1996 to 2001.
Mr. Miguel Angel led the U.S. Export Finance group for Latin America at Standard Chartered Bank, managing over $500 million in U.S. Ex-Im Bank structures.
Mr. Burelo began his career at Bancomext, where he structured the first bilateral agreements with U.S. Ex-Im Bank, SACE, Euler Hermes and other export credit agencies (ECAs) from OECD countries.
Mr. Miguel Angel holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a Master’s degree in Business and International Relations from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM).

Andrew H. Svensk
Mr. Svensk is Principal/EVP of Trade Credit Underwriters Ltd. (TCU), an insurance administrator specializing in Export Credit Insurance and Political Risk. Since inception, Mr. Svensk has managed all aspects of underwriting $28MM in gross written premiums between two captive programs: one, a single-user segregated account company (SAC) for a multinational bus/truck manufacturer, and the other, a multi-user SAC with 47 individual members.
2010-2016: Mr. Svensk held the position of Underwriter/VP at Latin American Underwriters and Allied World Assurance Company (US) Inc., where he oversaw the North American business portfolio within the Global Crisis Management Division.
2007-2009: Mr. Svensk worked as an Underwriter for a merchant factoring firm in New York and an asset management firm, Argus Investors’ Counsel. Along with this work experience, he completed his Certification in Credit Analysis at New York University (NYU) School of Continuing Education in 2009.
Mr. Svensk earned a Master’s Degree in Economics from Trinity College in Hartford, CT (2008) and, prior to that, a Bachelor’s Degree in American Studies from Wesleyan University (1999).
Mr. Svensk is also licensed as an insurance broker in the states of Connecticut, Florida, and New York in Property and Casualty, as well as being an approved broker with Exim Bank.